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Headaches… there’s something we can all relate to. What causes them? Why do we get them? What can we do about them? There are several types of headaches that all have differing causes or triggers. The environment you live in, the behaviors you engage in, and your body itself can all lead to or cause headaches. Examples of this include; stress, noise, lack of sleep, dehydration, blood pressure, certain foods/liquids, physical exertion, etc.

The most common type of headaches are Cervicogenic Headaches. These are headaches caused by stress, and poor posture. The stress and bad posture causes an increased demand on the neck muscles and thus increased muscle tension, leading to what is known as a Cervicogenic aka Tension Headache. Most headaches do not raise red flags for a more serious underlying problem, however some do. This is why if you are suffering from frequent or severe headaches you should consult a doctor.

How Do Headaches Differ?

  • Tension (Cervicogenic) Headaches: mild to moderate headaches that come and go, and are directly related to stress and posture.
  • Migraine Headaches: moderate to severe headaches that can last hours to days. Occasionally, will present with Aura (spots/light flashes). Symptoms can include nausea and aversion to light and sound.
  • Cluster Headaches: usually short-lived headaches that occur multiple times a day, with severe throbbing behind the eyes. These affect men more than women. Triggers can include red wine and red meat.
  • Sinus Headaches: caused by sinus inflammation. Sinus Headaches may be confused with a tension headache, or migraine. Symptoms include pressure around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead.
  • Hormonal Headache: Hormonal headaches are directly related to hormonal swings around the times of periods, pregnancy and menopause.

How does Chiropractic Help?

Chiropractic has a long history of helping individuals that suffer from headaches. Research supports chiropractic as an effective treatment to help address the cause of most headaches, especially those chronic in nature. As chiropractors we employ a few treatment methods to alleviate headache discomfort, such as:

  • Spinal manipulation (aka Adjustments)
  • Soft-tissue manipulation or techniques specifically designed to address
  • Muscle tension
  • Supportive taping
  • Postural re-education